Common Prayers



Let our prayer rise before you, God of all peoples and nations.
May your grace fill the world.
Sanctify the work of our hands.
Bring forth the reign of your justice and mercy.

May our lives be a hymn of praise, O God!
May your glory shine forth in us!
Strengthen us in love, root us in mercy!
That your people may know your love is everlasting!

O God, come to our aid!
Hasten to hear us as we cry to you.
God, our strength, be our shelter in time of need.
Give us voice to proclaim your love.

O God, come to my assistance,
O Lord, make haste to help me.



Glory to you, three in one.
Your mercy endures forever. Amen

Glory to you, Source of Life, Living Word, and Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever, world without end. Amen

Glory to you, God of all peoples.
To Jesus, healer and friend,
to the Spirit dwelling within,
Praise be yours forever. Amen.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen.

All praise and glory to you, God of all creation.

Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, who shepherds the people and sets them free

God raises from David’s house a child with power to save. Through the holy prophets God promised in ages past to save us from enemy hands, from the grip of all who hate us.

The Lord favored our ancestors recalling the sacred covenant, the pledge to our ancestor Abraham, to free us from our enemies, so we might worship without fear and be holy and just all our days.

And you child, will be called Prophet of the Most High, for you will come to prepare a pathway for the Lord by teaching the people salvation through forgiveness of their sin.

Out of God’s deepest mercy a dawn will come from on high, light for those shadowed by death, a guide for our feet on the way to peace.

Not knowing what to do I lift my eyes to you, O saving Lord.

I acclaim the greatness of the Lord,
I delight in God my savior,
who regarded my humble state.
Truly from this day on All ages will call me blest.

For God, wonderful in power,
has used that strength for me.
Holy the name of the Lord!
Whose mercy embraces the faithful,
one generation to the next.

The mighty arm of God
scatters the proud in their conceit,
Pulls tyrants from their thrones,
and raises up the humble.
The Lord fills the starving
And lets the rich go hungry.

God rescues lowly Israel,
recalling the promise of mercy,
the promise made to our ancestors,
to Abraham’s heirs for ever.


1 May the God of Mercy bless and protect us all. Amen. May the God of peace comfort us in times of trial. Amen. May the God of love shine forth in our lives. Amen.

2 May the Spirit of God find a home in us. Amen May the Spirit of God animate us. Amen. May the Spirit of God create new hearts in us. Amen.

3 May God bless and animate us with his own divine spirit. Amen
May we prove it is Jesus Christ we love and serve with our whole hearts. Amen.
May God count us among his dearest and best beloved. Amen.

4 May the God of mercy bless and protect us all. Amen.
May the God of peace comfort us in times of trial. Amen.
May the God of love shine forth in our time. Amen.